No Pain. No Gain.


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Welcome to Vintage Boxing Gear and thank you for visiting our store!

Our mission is to make your life easier with products that bring value to you on a daily basis.

Vintage Boxing Gear delivers high quality products at an affordable price for all to enjoy.

We are built on creating long lasting relationships with our customers every single day. Enjoy!



Address:                   1202 N Arthur Ashe Blvd. Richmond, VA 23230


Monday - Thursday     6AM - 8PM

Friday                         6AM - 5PM

Saturday                    8AM - 12PM

Phone:                      (804) 500-7769




In compliance with Covid-19 regulations for fitness facilities, we have updated our policies to ensure a healthy and comfortable environment for our students and staff.  These policies may change as health & safety guidelines are updated.  

  • Class sizes (and open gym sessions) are limited to 8 students at a time.  
  • You must register for class ahead of time to reserve your spot for all classes AND open gym sessions.  ***If you are staying for multiple classes, please be sure to register for each one you plan to attend!***
  • Entrance will be denied if we are at capacity.
  • Doors will be locked during classes.  
  • Masks must be worn for entrance, and while not exercising.
  • Respect social distancing guidelines as much as possible.
  • Waiting/spectating is not allowed, this includes guardians waiting for kids during youth classes.
  • Gym equipment will be sanitized regularly throughout the day.  Please wipe down your equipment before and after use.
Please be aware, we have not had any confirmed cases within the gym - these updates are purely preventative in nature.  Thank you for your understanding and support.  Our goal is to continue to serve the community safely and responsibly.  Please email us if you have any questions, or if you have trouble signing up for class online!



Eric Ash - Head Coach